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            , Trylithia, and Vexador are all in the Gorvan System, a marvelous galaxy in C.E. Stone's universe filled with alien peoples and exotic locales.  In the time of the Starganauts, 11 worlds have been discovered by Vexador...though more wait to be unearthed.


The Gorvan System is not merely a place, however.  It has a history stretching back thousands of years, before the Orb Cave was first fashioned.  


Discover the amazing background of the galaxy the Starganauts stumble upon...and the history that shaped it.
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What would the Starganauts be without the orbs?  Explore the secrets of the mysterious crystals that transform the Starganauts into what they are.
A look at C.E. Stone's other story in the Gorvan System, set 6,000 years before the time of Starganauts!

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